Single Origin

Honduras Cascaritas White Honey

Honey . Caramel . Peach

Whole Beans

We have worked with Moisés Hidardo Hernández for the past four years and really enjoy following his hard work in making his coffee better and better. This is a White Honey coffee, where some of the sugar is removed before drying, giving a clean and bright coffee with some nice fruity notes.

We met up with Moisés earlier this summer and let him do the talking:

I am the producers of this Honey micro-lot and my name is Moises Hidardo Hernandez and I run the Cascaritas farm - on the border with El Salvador - with my mother. I've been producing micro-lots since 2015 and love to experiment. Drying the coffee in some of its own sugar, as in this lot, gives me coffees that are soft in character but also a mild and pleasant fruitiness. The coffees in this micro-lot are Pacas, a variety we're very proud of, which works particularly well when we dry the beans in their own sugar. This not only produces a very good coffee, it also saves water. My coffee is elegant, lightly fruity, mildly creamy and has a nice fruit sweetness in the aftertaste.

Although I currently work in various positions, my whole life is built around coffee. It started when I was a child, as I was born a fourth generation coffee farmer. But I am also the initiator of the export company Cafesmo, where I develop different aspects of our organisation, and my fiancée and I also run a café where we serve single origin coffee and Honduran fine cacao in the town of Santa Rosa de Copán.

I have been preparing micro-lots since 2015 and I love experimenting. With new or barely known varieties and with different processes. For our honey speciality coffees, we aim for an accessible taste and not exclusively for connoisseurs. We look for balance, clarity and a nice and bright fruitiness.

My mother and I jointly own 3.5 hectares of beautiful land close to each other at an altitude of 1230 to 1300 metres, where this coffee comes from. We work with several varieties, such as Parainema, Obata, Bourbon, to be able to offer a wide range of micro-lots and something to suit every taste. In addition to pine, which is naturally dominant in our region, we have also planted additional trees to generate sufficient shade in all parts of the plantation. There are banana trees, but also American walnut trees, hazel, guamo and malcinca.


Weight 0.25 kg



Moises Hidardo Hernandez – Cascaritas


Santa Rosa de Copán


1230-1300 meter



Process method


Drying Method

Sun on raised beds

harvest period

February 2024


300 kilo

Brewing Facts

Pour Over


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